Grace Newsletter 12-08-23

Grace Newsletter 12-08-23

Worth a Thousand Words It’s an adage that is found in multiple languages – “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Somehow images, like so many forms of art, are able to convey meaning or essence or memory that written or verbal descriptions just can’t do justice. This...
Grace Newsletter 11-30-23

Grace Newsletter 11-30-23

Intentional Formation I grew up with lots of proverbs – pithy little sayings that contain a nugget of wisdom. The two I’m thinking about today are “You are what you eat” and “Use it or lose it.” I heard a fascinating story on NPR recently about the astonishing rise in...
Grace Newsletter 11-24-23

Grace Newsletter 11-24-23

Making Christmas, making Christmas is so fine! Everyone and every holiday has its own traditions. It’s the week of Thanksgiving and I’m grateful for the sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and stuffing that is a part of my mom’s way of celebrating as well as the...
Grace Newsletter 11-17-23

Grace Newsletter 11-17-23

Last month, we focused on the Good Life in worship. We acknowledged how we receive lots of messages about what is important, what the “good life” is, and everything we need to do – and have – to achieve it. Still, we know that so many folks remain unsatisfied, chasing...
Grace Newsletter 11-10-23

Grace Newsletter 11-10-23

This past Sunday, we began our series on prayer, considering 3 essential prayers (according to Anne Lamott): Help! Thanks! Wow! This week we’ll turn our attention to Thanks!  Maybe this seems timely, since we’re in the middle of November, the month of Thanksgiving,...